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9 tác dụng của Xoài sấy dẻo, có thể bạn chưa biết

9 Health Benefits of Eating Soft Dried Mango

When it comes to mangoes, they are a powerhouse of nutrition.

And while they may not be in season all the time, you can still enjoy soft dry mangoes and reap much of the same benefits!

ProximityAmount% DV
Water16.6 gN/D
Energy319 KcalN/D
Energy1336 kJN/D
Protein2.45 g4.90%
Total Fat (lipid)1.18 g3.37%
Ash1.19 gN/D
Carbohydrate78.58 g60.45%
Total dietary Fiber2.4 g6.32%
Total Sugars66.27 gN/D
MineralsAmount% DV
Iron, Fe0.23 mg2.88%
Magnesium, Mg20 mg4.76%
Phosphorus, P50 mg7.14%
Potassium, K279 mg5.94%
Sodium, Na162 mg10.80%
Zinc, Zn0.3 mg2.73%
Copper, Cu0.3 mg33.33%
Manganese, Mn10 mg434.78%
Selenium, Se2.1 µg3.82%
VitaminsAmount% DV
Water soluble Vitamins
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)0.062 mg5.17%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.085 mg6.54%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)2 mg12.50%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)0.334 mg25.69%
Vitamin B9 (Folate)68 µg17.00%
Folate, food68 µgN/D
Folate, DEF68 µgN/D
Choline23.7 mg4.31%
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)42.3 mg47.00%
Fat soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A, RAE67 µg9.57%
Vitamin A, IU1343 IUN/D
Beta Carotene786 µgN/D
Alpha Carotene11 µgN/D
Beta Cryptoxanthin29 µgN/D
Lutein + zeaxanthin52 µgN/D
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)4.02 mg26.80%
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)13.2 µg11.00%
LipidsAmount% DV
Fatty acids, total saturated0.287 gN/D
Lauric acid (dodecanoic acid) 12:000.004 gN/D
Myristic acid  14:00(Tetradecanoic acid)0.039 gN/D
Palmitic acid 16:00 (Hexadecanoic acid)0.226 gN/D
Stearic acid 18:00 (Octadecanoic acid)0.013 gN/D
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0.439 gN/D
Palmitoleic acid 16:1 (hexadecenoic acid)0.209 gN/D
Oleic acid 18:1 (octadecenoic acid)0.235 gN/D
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated0.222 gN/D
Linoleic acid 18:2 (octadecadienoic acid)0.061 gN/D
Linolenic acid 18:3 (Octadecatrienoic acid)0.161 gN/D
Hàm lượng dinh dưỡng của Xoài sấy dẻo

Dried Mango Nutrition

Here’s what you can expect in a serving of dried mangoes:


Soft Dried mango serving sizes will vary depending on the size of the slices. However, 42 grams of dried mango which is about four slices comes out to 134 calories per serving. 

Vitamin C 

Soft Dried mango does contain some Vitamin C although much of this vitamin is lost in the drying process. As a result, you’ll only get about 2% of your vitamin C intake from a single serving of dried mango. 

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that you can find in a variety of fruits and vegetables. It plays an important role in wound healing, maintaining good skin health, and supporting immune function.


Manganese is a trace mineral that’s present in soft dried mangoes in significant amounts. Manganese is not a well-known mineral, but it is necessary for supporting a wide range of body functions. 

First and foremost, it aids in the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. It also plays a role in new blood cell formation and formation of almost all tissues. 

The B vitamin family

Mangoes are also a good source of B-Vitamins. From thiamin, niacin, and folate, these vitamins play an essential role.

Soft Dried mango has long been known as having natural mood-boosting abilities and with good reason. It’s a rich source of B-vitamins and may help improve your mood by increasing your intake. 

B-vitamins also play a role in healthy nerve regeneration in adults and development in younger kids. 


Copper is also a mineral that you don’t need in large amounts but you can receive from including mango, especially the dried variety, in your diet. 

Mango is a good source of copper and just a serving a day provides a significant amount. You’ll usually get the additional copper from your other dietary sources. 

Copper plays a role in forming red blood cells and nerve health. It also helps to support healthy immune function.

Vitamin A

Plant-based vitamin A is also found in soft dried mango. A serving of this will give you about 20% of your daily dose.

Vitamin A is essential for normal function but is also considered as the “beauty” vitamin. It does help with healthy vision, radiant skin, and wound healing. 

Eating dried mangoes can help with conditions related to aging especially eye conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts. 

9 Benefits of Eating Dried Mango

1. Supports Healthy Digestion

If you struggle with poor digestion, then dried mangoes might give you a solution. Mangoes are high in fiber naturally, which promotes healthy digestive qualities. 

One study found that people who ate mango over four weeks saw a significant improvement in constipation. 

 Soft Dried Mango Supports Healthy Digestion
Soft Dried Mango Supports Healthy Digestion

In addition promoting more regular digestive function, other compounds in dried mango contribute to a healthy digestive system. 

Inflammation in the digestive tract can be devastating and lead to chronic problems. Any who struggles with IBS or similar symptoms may find that they have some relief of these symptoms with dried mango. 

The phytochemicals present in soft dried mango promote anti-inflammation and may help with conditions such as colitis and similar disorders.

2. Promotes Healthy Skin

Most of us want to have healthy skin, but it’s not always so easy to get there. The presence of nutrients such as Vitamin C and Vitamin A contributes to healthy skin, especially over time. 

 Dried Mango Promotes Healthy Skin
Dried Mango Promotes Healthy Skin

Vitamin C is essential in forming collagen, the protein that provides elasticity to the skin. This nutrient also helps to prevent environmental damage to skin, a problem that can be difficult to prevent with other methods. 

All cells require Vitamin A and dried mango is a rich source of this nutrient. Some studies have even suggested that including Vitamin A in your diet can be protective against aging. 

One of the key roles that it plays in skin health is the production of sebum, a compound that helps to keep skin elastic over time. 

Since mango is a rich source of Vitamin A, it’s easy to avoid a deficiency or get a little boost in your diet naturally without having to turn to supplements.

3. Supports Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s first line against any number of diseases and illnesses that come your way. 

While you can’t protect yourself from every threat, having a strong immune system can help prevent you from contracting bugs or at least make them affect you to a lesser extent. 

Dried mango is a powerhouse of nutrients when it comes to contributing to your immune system. This fruit contains more than 25 carotenoids that help to boost your immune system. 

Studies have also shown that certain nutrients such as Vitamin C and Vitamin A help to lessen the effects of some viruses.

4. Encourages Good Vision

As I mentioned above, dried mangoes are a rich source of Vitamin A. This vitamin can be deficient in some areas of the world and with devastating effects. 

Soft dried mango Encourages Good Vision

When your body is deficient, you can suffer from blindness, an inability to see certain colors, and cataracts that develop over time. 

The good news is that Vitamin A is a widely found nutrient that’s present in most fruits and vegetables that range from yellow to orange and even red. This makes mango a great source of Vitamin A. 

It’s especially important to include sources of this nutrient over time. We all struggle with vision problems over time but you can often lessen the effects by including adequate Vitamin A sources in your food. 

It’s also worth noting that you get better absorption when you get this nutrient from food rather than supplements.

5. May Aid in Weight Loss

If you review the nutrient composition of soft dried mango, you’ll notice that it’s a rich source of soluble fiber. Not only does fiber aid in maintaining blood glucose levels, it also improves metabolism naturally. 

Dried mango contributes to an increase of adiponectin – a hormone that assists in appetite regulation. 

When you include dried mango in your diet, you may find that it’s easier to lose weight and also have better control of your appetite.

 Soft Dried Mango Supports Women’s Health 
Soft Dried Mango Supports Women’s Health 

6. Supports Women’s Health 

All women have unique health and nutrient needs. Women are at a higher risk of certain deficiencies and diseases, especially over time. 

The good news is that mango is a rich source of nutrients that your body is going to need as you get older. 

Soft Dried mango contains a fair amount of both iron and calcium. Iron deficiency is a common problem with women and can lead to fatigue, paleness, and difficulty breathing with even mild exertion. 

Additionally, calcium is an essential nutrient for healthy bones. Women who don’t get adequate calcium in their diet run the risk of chronic conditions such as osteoporosis. 

Deficiency of calcium is fairly common, especially if you don’t eat other foods that are rich in this nutrient. However, including dried mango in your diet is a simple way to boost your calcium intake naturally. 

This is especially important for your health as you get older.

7. Provides a Healthy, Delicious Alternative to Candy

We all have a sweet tooth and avoiding sugar seems almost impossible. However, whether you’re trying to limit your sugar intake or simply have healthier sweeter foods, soft dried mango can help you get there. 

Keep in mind that some types of dried mango do add sugar to the fruit, but when you dry mango at home, you don’t have to worry about that. 

In fact, mango’s natural blend of tartness and sweetness may bring to mind your favorite sweet-sour candy.

If you find yourself looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth, you may want to try adding dried mango to your routine. 

When you hit that mid-afternoon slump, it’s all too easy to stock up on high sugar snacks from the vending machine. Before you know it, you have the inevitable sugar high followed by the crash. 

A better alternative is to carry dried mango pouches with you when you’re in need of a sugar rush. Mango is naturally sweet but it’s fiber content will help to balance your blood sugar levels and also be low in added sugar

8. Supports Healthy pH Levels

The acidity in your body isn’t always well-understood but it can be challenging to know which foods contribute to healthy pH levels.

Soft Dried mango has a variety of acids including citric acid, tartaric acid, and malic acid. These may aid in balancing alkaline levels in the body. Some people have noticed that they feel better when they balance acidic and alkaline foods in their diet. 

This may not help each person but dried mango may help with balancing your levels. Consider adding it to your diet and see if you notice a benefit. It’s been highly touted by some people who use it for this purpose.

9. Provides an Easy Way to Load Up on Antioxidants

Most of us know that antioxidants are healthy to get in your diet, but did you know that dried mangoes are a rich source of antioxidants? 

We don’t know exactly which health benefits are provided by each type of antioxidant, so it’s recommended that you get a variety in your diet. 

The good news is that mangoes contain a variety of antioxidant compounds known as phenols. 

They contain fisetin, astragalin, gallic acid, and others. Studies have shown that including a rich source of antioxidants in your diet is a great way to improve your vitality and also decrease your risk of some chronic diseases. 

How to Eat Soft Dried Mangoes 

The good news? There’s not many wrong ways to eat mango, although some are better than others. 

Keep in mind that you can just enjoy them on their own. Dried mango can be a good snack without making any other changes! 

How to Eat Dried Mangoes 

However, if you’d like to branch out and get creative, try chopping up a few pieces and adding them to oatmeal, granola, or another type of cereal. 

You can add them the night before and they’ll rehydrate to give you a softer version. You can also add them to salads just in the same way that you might add fruit. 

With mangoes, you’ll get a citrus-tart flavor that brightens many salads. 

Mangoes can also be enjoyed as part of an entree. Mango pairs well with white meats such as pork and poultry. For a quick substitution, you can substitute dried mangoes for raisins in a chicken salad. 

You can also add them to dishes like rice pilaf topped with shredded pork and soft dried mangoes. Add toasted nuts and pomegranate seeds to turn this into a tasty dish.

Comment (1)

September 2, 2023

thanks, interesting read

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